Saturday, February 24, 2007

Obama Militia

Obama’s Militias

Strange things are happening.

Hollywood Jewish luminaries are falling over each other to show their support for Obama without concern for his Muslim ancestry, while the Black Establishment seems to think Obama ancestors were not slaves here or “have themselves experienced the trauma of this country’s racial history (Marjorie Valburn in WP, Black Like Me?)”, and therefore question his suitability to represent the black community. As I previously reported, Rev. Sharpton, who sought nomination in the last presidential election, has already indicated Obama is not black enough for his taste.

It is interesting to note that Eugene Robinson writing in the February 20th WP implied that Hillary Clinton and John Edwards are trying to “convince people that Obama somehow isn’t black enough” without mentioning Sharpton, and ignoring the fact hat Clinton and Edwards have never made such assertion directly or indirectly.

One of the Jewish luminaries, music mogul David Geffen, was not content with hosting the fundraiser for Obama, which netted $1.3 million, and had to tell awful things about Bill and Hillary Clinton to Maureen Dowd, perhaps to prove how much he hates Bill and Hillary, his old friends, and perhaps to prove to Obama his loyalty more than what might have been earned by his DreamWorks partners, Steven Spielberg and Jeffrey Katzenberg, who co-sponsored the Hollywood soiree. Who knows? May be he would like to be appointed ambassador to Israel so that he can atone for his sins at the Western Wall. Or one of his close friends needs a pardon. He still resents that Bill did not grant last minute pardon to his friend Leonard Peltier, a native American serving life sentence for the 1975 murder of two FBI agents. New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson, who is a declared candidate, said of Geffen’s comments: “I think these name-callings are not good.”

The Jewish community, including the above Hollywood honchos, should keep in mind the following comment posted on a ABC news Brian Ross report on the function (Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner?) by someone named Jihad Jane on February 20th: “Muslims will rule the world. Go Barak Husein Obama! We are in the Senate, we will run your country, and you will pay for your insolence.” Recently, several American Muslim youths from Chicago area were indicted in connection with a suspected plot to carry out a holy war against American troops in Iraq and for providing material support to terrorists.

One of the most cherished gifts of our nation to its citizens is their freedom to practice their religion, but this does not mean we don’t ask questions regarding the religious beliefs of our political leaders and those aspiring to lead us. Questions were raised regarding the catholic faith of John Kennedy and Orthodox Judaism of Joe Lieberman. People are talking about the Mormon faith of Republican candidate Mitt Romney. And it is absolutely important we explore the views of Barack Hussein Obama on Islam as it is practiced today.

We have nineteen hundred year history of Islam, which clearly shows its brutal nature.

Even a cursory look at the Taliban period in Afghanistan or the al-Queda declarations and decapitations in Iraq, or the Hamas view of Israel, should give liberals, particularly Jews, second thoughts. As Theodore Dalrymple summarizes in When Islam Breaks Down (City Journal, Spring 2004): “The indivisibility of any aspect of life from any other in Islam is a source of strength, but also of fragility and weakness, for individuals as well as for polities. Where all conduct, all custom, has a religious sanction and justification, any change is a threat to the whole system of belief. Certainty that their way of life is the right one thus coexists with fear that the whole edifice-intellectual and political-will come down if it is tampered with in any way. Intransigence is a defense against doubt and makes living on terms of true equality with others who do not share the creed impossible.”

Yes, one can find some benign verses in Quran, but those who have tried to bring moderation to this religion on that basis have been ostracized and the religion continues to be governed by verses that demand violent acts against non-believers, particularly the Jews. Just the other day an Egyptian court convicted a blogger in 5 minutes to three years in prison for insulting Islam and inciting sedition because he called al-Azhar “the university of terrorism” and accused it of suppressing free thought. The blogger was a student at Al-Azhar, which is one of the most revered institutions in the Islamic world, and was expelled for his views. Chapter two in Paul Barrett’s recently published American Islam documents the life story of Abou El Fadl who tried to present a peaceful version of Islam based on benign Quran verses and how he is shunned by the mainstream Islamic establishments. I have already mentioned in my earlier blog, Iraq Conundrum, Ms. Ayann Hirsi Ali’s recently published biography, Infidel, describing the awful aspects of Islam as it is practiced today.

In Europe, according to Nick Cohen (An Upside-Down World, WSJ, February 23, 2007), things are much worse: “Beyond the contortions and betrayals of liberal and leftish thinking lies a simple emotion that I don’t believe Americans take account of: an insidious fear that has produced the ideal conditions for appeasement. Radical Islam does worry Europeans but we are trying to prevent an explosion by going along with Islamist victimhood. We blame ourselves for the Islamist rage, in the hope that our admission of guilt will pacify our enemies. We are scared, but not scared enough to take a stand.”

So, Senator Obama tell us your views on Islam and how your Muslim heritage will influence your policies. Where are your position papers on Israel, dealing with Hamas, Hizbullaha and Darfur? We have a right to know these things before we consider you a serious candidate for U.S. presidency.


Anonymous said...

I am reading this article second time today, you have to be more careful with content leakers. If I will fount it again I will send you a link

Anonymous said...

Il semble que vous soyez un expert dans ce domaine, vos remarques sont tres interessantes, merci.

- Daniel