Saturday, March 24, 2007


Could Obama Be An Islamic-Plant?

Recently available information suggests the probability of a scenario in which President Barak Hussein Obama acts to further the Islamic cause and undermine U.S. political and military foundations, is not zero, and although it may sound far fetched it should be considered a serious risk.

A major attack on the United States, one designed to undermine our political system and military capability, may not be launched by some Muslim youths from Saudi Arabia, as was the case in the 9/11 attack, but probably will be orchestrated by very sophisticated individuals and its planning and execution would easily surpass the Manchurian Candidate movie scenario.

Here are some highlights from the studies of European terrorist activities published in the Washington Post on March 12th in an article by Craig Whitlock, titled Terrorists Proving Harder to Profile. “In Britain, three of the suspects arrested in last summer’s alleged transatlantic airline hijacking plot were religious converts who grew up in north London’s affluent suburbs. One was the well-to-do English son of a Conservative Party activist; he worked in a bar and loved the movie “Team America”.” In Belgium, a blond, white Catholic woman converted to Islam, traveled to Iraq and blew herself up. In Holland, a key figure of Islamic cell was teenage son of a U.S. soldier. “There are clear signs that al-Qaeda cells and affiliates are intentionally recruiting supporters from nontraditional background as a way to avoid detection.” Other reports have noted that many individuals arrested in London or are under surveillance come from affluent families, were studying at leading universities and some have advanced degrees. In Iraq, just the other day, two children were driven in the rear seat of the car so that U.S. security forces allow the car to pass a check point, and the vehicle was blown to pieces after the adult passengers disappeared in the crowd. The recently published details of terrorist plots planned or executed by al-Queda master plotter Khalid Sheik Mohammed should remind Americans of the extent to which Islamists will go to hurt us.

Obama Enrolled As Muslim Student In Indonesia

In a detailed article on Obama’s religious status in Indonesia, Paul Watson reported in an article titled “Islam an unknown factor in Obama bid”, published in the March 16th Baltimore Sun, that Obama was registered as Muslim in two schools. According to his childhood friend Zulfin Adi: “His mother often went to the church, but Barry [Obama’s nickname] was Muslim. He went to the mosque.” (Other sources tell us his mother was an atheist.) According to Adi, when the muezzin sounded the call to prayer, Lolo [Obama’s stepfather] and Barry would walk to the mosque together. His first grade teacher at St. Francis said: “He was registered as a Muslim because his father, Lolo Soetoro, was Muslim.”

Obama was registered as a Muslim when he enrolled in Model Primary School Menteng 1, and had to take two-hour classes in third and fourth grades to learn about Islam each week. Indonesia is the world’s most populous Islamic-majority country, and while his religious classes probably did not require him to recite Qu’ran several hours each day as required in a Pakistani Madrassa, their cannot be much difference in the basic content of Islam as taught in his classes and in the Madrassas. He was very young, 6 to 10 years, and in those formative years the fundamental idea of Islam that all aspects of life are governed by religion and that a good Muslim expects government to follow religious laws, must have been drummed into his brain. The secular concepts that we cherish, such as separation of church and state, would be anathema. But Obama has repeatedly claimed he was brought up in a secular household, which sounds very suspicious in view of these details about his early life.

What is also disturbing that Obama’s chief spokesman, Robert Gibbs, asserted on January 24th: “ To be clear, Senator Obama has never been a Muslim, was not raised a Muslim, and is a committed Christian who attends the United Church of Christ in Chicago.” But in a statement to The Los Angeles Times on March 14th the campaign offered slightly different wording: “Obama has never been a practicing Muslim.” The new statement adds that as a child, Obama did spend time in the neighborhood’s Islamic center. Were they trying to hide something?

Then we have this observation in the very informative Ben Wallace-Wells’s Rolling Stone article, The Radical Roots of Barack Obama, Februrary 7, 2007: “His parents were atheists, an African bureaucrat and a white grad student, Jerry Falwell’s nightmare vision of secular liberals come to life. Obama could have picked any church….He could have picked a mosque, for that matter, or even a synagogue.” One has to ask: What is his true belief? Is adopting Christianity simply convenient for a brilliant individual to rise to the top of our society and then abandon that cover in favor of Islam at a suitable time? May be as President he will ask Americans to convert to save the world.

Obama on Iraq and Darfur

In a February 23rd Chicago Tribune article, Obama’s Muddled View of Intervention, well known historian Niall Ferguson notes that while Obama has introduced legislation to remove U.S. troops from Iraq by March 31, 2008, in a December 2005 article Obama urged the deployment of “a UN- or NATO-led force” in Darfur. Ferguson comments: “Wait a second. Here are two civil wars, each likely to spiral out of control. But in (Sudan), Obama recommends intervention, while in the other (Iraq), he recommends military withdrawal. Am I missing something?”

He cites a study by Daniel L. Byman and Kenneth M. Pollackpointed of Brookings Institution, a liberal philosophy oriented research center, which concludes that if the U.S. pulls out of Iraq, as Obama recommends, a humanitarian nightmare is likely in which “hundred of thousands (conceivably even millions) of people to die.”

Scary Scenario

In my view this would be a perfect scenario for an Islamist to destroy the will of Americans to fight again: Withdraw from Iraq in a disarray and leave Iraq and the Middle East in the hands of Islamic terrorists. Throw American forces in Africa’s Darfur nightmare, where not even African countries dare to intervene and let them be slaughtered by Sudanese Arab militias. Retreat is disarray again and handover Africa to Islam.

Of course, we may then choose to impeach or hang Obama, but that will not matter at all.

Does this establish Obama is an Islamic plant: No. Do the bits and pieces of new information we are getting raise enough suspicion regarding Obama: yes. And given these questions it may not be wise to handover the keys of the kingdom to him, especially when there are other highly qualified candidates without any doubts about their background and intentions.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Obama Risk

Obama Risk

It is becoming clear that Democrats are betting on U.S. defeat in Iraq to win the White House in 2008. They most fear that the Bush troop surge may succeed, as recent reports suggest, and have introduced legislation that are designed to engineer a U.S. failure. The Los Angeles Times reported on March 12th that American military planners have begun plotting a fallback strategy in case Congressional actions (and any other reasons) result in an Iraq disaster.

Politics is a dirty game but this is real dirty. The Democrats call their strategy the “slow bleed”, which allows them to blame Bush for everything that goes wrong, without assuming responsibility for conducting the war, and appearing as saviors of the nation from the Iraq crisis. They must have a very low opinion of American voters, consider them very naïve and hope to fool them easily.

In his March 11th Washington Post article titled “The Surge is Succeeding”, Robert Kagan, a fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, summarized recent positive developments: the report by Fadhil brothers, who are independent Baghdad bloggers, that “early signs are encouraging” (see 3/5 WSJ for their full report); increased number of security tips; decline in number of insurgent attacks; and progress towards a national agreement on sharing oil revenues. Fadhils report that because of reduced violence and the new “clear and hold strategy” many “Baghdadis feel hopeful again about the future, and the fear of civil war is slowly being replaced by optimism.”

Kagan notes that even Brian Williams of NBC Nightly News (3/5 broadcast) reported a dramatic improvement in Ramadi, which is in the heart of Sunni insurgency, since his previous visit and thought “the war has changed”.

Reuters reported on March 14th that key U.S. and Iraqi officials were cautiously optimistic. Maj. Gen. William B.Caldwell said the level of sectarian killings had dropped significantly in the month since the operation began. “If the high-profile car bombs can be stopped or brought down to a much lower level, we’ll just see an incredible difference in the city overall.”

Obama is the leading proponent of the emerging “cut-and-run” Democratic strategy for Iraq. He is loved by the left wing of the party, which includes Hollywood anti-war Jewish luminaries. He has surged in popularity among African-Americans and hopes to do the same among white women. Hillary Clinton’s lead over Obama has shrunk, which may have forced her to go along with the proposition of withdrawal by a date certain, i.e. March 2008, which she had previously rejected. The Democratic proposals incorporating the March 2008 withdrawal deadline was crafted by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi with the help of John Murtha, but the left wing of the party is insisting on immediate withdrawal by withholding funds to finance the war.

Speaking of the Jewish vote, Israel Prime Minister Ehud Olmert warned at the March 13th session of the pro-Israel AIPAC conference that “those who are concerned for Israel’s security, for the security of the gulf states, and for the stability of the entire Middle East should recognize the need for American success in Iraq, and responsible exit…” Many participants booed House Speaker Pelosi when she said the Iraq war was a failure because it did not make U.S. safer, U.S. military stronger and the region more stable. In sharp contrast, Republican House Minority Leader John Boehner received a rousing reception when he said U.S. had no choice but to win in Iraq and linked the outcome of the war with the future of Israel. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton both supported Israel in their speeches but according to one blogger there was widespread skepticism regarding Obama’s true feelings among participants in the meeting.

The point is the support of a few Hollywood Jewish moguls and their raising of couple of million dollars for Obama is not necessarily a sign of broad based Jewish support for the cut-and-run Democratic Iraq agenda.

Will Democrats destroy themselves by nominating Sen. Barack Hussein Obama remains to be seen? Republicans are hoping they will.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Rock Star Syndrome

Obama’s “Sudden Political-Rock-Star Syndrome”

We are not only dealing with FBI’s renaming Jihadist terrorist acts committed in the United States as “Sudden Jihad Syndrome”, but also with Senator Barack Hussein Obama’s current persona as a political rock star. George Clooney calls him a “true rock star” presence.

Let me define the “Sudden Political Rock Star Syndrome” as a condition where a politician thinks his charming personality will overcome his lack of experience, absence of well articulated positions on critical domestic and global issues except one that may be dominant in public discussions (such as Iraq) and an Islamic heritage despite the nasty role being played by that religion in the current global turmoil.

Signs of Rock Star Syndrome

Here is what Ben Wallace-Wells said in his very interesting February 7th Rollingstone article, The Radical Roots of Barack Obama: “Obama is trying to pull a less-conventional trick: to turn his own person into a movement…What Obama stands for, if anything, is not yet clear…Everywhere he goes he is greeted by thrilled crowds, trailed constantly by a reporter from The Chicago Tribune who is writing a book about the senator with a preliminary title so immodest that it embarrassed even Obama’s staff: The Savior.” He adds: “The danger here is that the public has committed the cardinal sin of political love, forcing Obama onto the national stage before knowing him well enough to gauge whether he’s ready for it.”

He also reports that preliminary polls show that “women responded more intensely and warmly to Obama than did men…His advisers, assuming they would pick up a healthy chunk of black votes, honed in on a different target: …women, nearly all of them white.” “There is an amazingly candid moment in Obama’s autobiography when he writes of his childhood discomfort at the way his mother would sexualize African-American men…Obama’s political career now depends, in some measure, upon a tamer version of this same feeling, the complicated dynamics of how white women respond to a charismatic black man.” On this point, Obama’s problem is he would have to demolish Hillary Clinton to get the nomination, which may not sit well with white women voters at all.

According to recent polls, Obama has surged over Clinton among black voters, but lags behind her in national surveys. A March 7th Quinnipiac University poll found Obama behind Republican Giuliani in Florida (48%-36%), Ohio (48%-40%), and Pennsylvania (48%-36%). Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania are critical states in presidential elections because no candidate since 1965 has taken the White House without taking at least two of these swings states. The Quinnipiac poll also found that 4 in 10 voters haven’t yet formed an opinion of Obama, leaving the possibility of sudden fall from the current stardom heights as they discover more about his Muslim heritage and policy positions. Giuliani had an impressive lead over his Republican opponents and Democrats Hillary Clinton and Obama.

Hollywoods’s rich Jewish luminaries are throwing parties for him, but it remains to be seen how long this love affair lasts once the senator details his positions on Hamas, Hizbollaha, Darfur and other issues involving Islam. His spiritual mentor Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, senior pastor of Afrocentric Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago thinks: “When his enemies find out that in 1984 I went to Tripoli to visit Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi with Farrakhan, a lot of his Jewish support will dry up quicker than a snowball in hell.”

According to the March 6th New York Times article, Rev. Wright was suppose to have delivered the invocation when Senator Obama announced his candidacy on February 10th, but that invitation was rescinded a day before the event. This may be a reflection of the depth of his Christian religious convictions and increases the suspicion that he is really a Muslim masquerading as a Christian to serve Islam. Or it could be an attempt not to raise the ire of his rich Jewish promoters.

At some point Obama will have to detail his positions on issues involving Islam. If he tries to finesse them he will surely displease his Jewish supporters, and if he attacks the Islamic views he may not be able to visit his grandmother in Kenya, who as a good Muslim will be surely obliged to slit his throat.

I can see why Republicans may be praying that Democrats name him as their candidate.

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Modernize Islam

Senator Obama: You Can Help Modernize Islam

Thomas Friedman’s March 2nd New York Times article, The Silence That Kills, was particularly interesting because Senator Obama remains silent regarding his Muslim ancestry and its impact on his policy positions. Senator Obama has yet to publish position papers on Israel, dealing with Hamas and Hizbollaha, Iran and other topics.

Friedman’s article described how a suicide bomber killed 150 people gathered to open an emergency ward in Afghanistan and a female suicide bomber killed 40 students in Baghdad. He says: “Stop and think for a moment how sick this is. Then stop for another moment and listen to the silence. The Bush team is mute…Europeans are mute…But worst of all, Muslims, the very people whose future is being killed, are also mute…the Arab-Muslim village is largely silent. The best are indifferent or intimidated; the worst quietly applaud the Sunnis who kill Shiites.” He quotes Mamoun Fandy, director of the Middle East program at the International Institute for Strategic Studies: The world worries about highly enriched uranium, but “the real danger is highly enriched Islam.”

According to Friedman: “One result: there’s no legitimate, decent, accepted source of Arab-Muslim authority today, no center of gravity “for people to anchor their souls in.” In this welter of confusion, the suicide bombers go uncondemned or subtly extolled.”

So, here is your chance Senator Obama to provide real leadership to moderate and modernize Islam: Please help create an authoritative institution of progressive thinkers that provides a peaceful interpretation of Quran based on its many benign verses and condemns the acts of violence as dictated by Quran’s 7th-century dogma. Such an institution created under your leadership can become a source of global peace.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Sudden Jihad Syndrome

Terrorism’s New Name: “Sudden Jihad Syndrome”

Investor’s Daily of February 20, 2007 reported that the FBI calls incidents of violent attacks by Muslim youths in the United States as “Sudden Jihad Syndrome” and does not consider them as “terrorist” acts. Sudden Jihad Syndrome is defined as a condition in which normal-appearing American Muslims abruptly turn violent. It seems the FBI is trying to hide jihadist acts of terror committed here, in America, in the guise of political correctness?

The ID has a long list of such incidents, but here is a sample for your consideration.

The Salt Lake City mall attack, in which five innocent shoppers were shot dead and four others were wounded, was launched by an 18-year old Bosnian Muslim immigrant, Sulejman Talovic, who had enough ammo to kill dozens of victims-and he would have, if an alert off-duty cop hadn’t returned fire and stopped him. According to the Salt Lake Tribune, Talovic attended Friday prayers at a mosque about a block from the mall.

A 22-year old Iranian honors student, Mohammed Reza Taheri-azar, deliberately rammed his SUV into a crowd at the University of North Carolina to “punish the government of the United States” for invading Iraq and other Muslim nations. He wrote a letter to a TV station citing Quranic verses justifying his attacks and told a detective that Muslims “all over the world are being killed, and now it is the people in the United States’ turn to be killed.”

A bearded 21-year-old student, Joel Hinrichs, who blew himself up with a backpack filled with TATP (the explosive of choice in the Mideast) outside a packed Oklahoma University football stadium not long after he started attending the local mosque.

Caroline Glick of Jerusalem Post also pointed out in her February 26th article (Our World: Jihad’s campus collaborators) that a Muslim named Derrick Shareef was arrested in early December for plotting to carry out a similar [to Salt Lake City] attack at a shopping mall in Illinois just before Christmas, after he told FBI informants of his plans to murder Jews specifically and Americans in particular for Allah. Glick adds: “The general tendency of Westerners is to view global jihad as a foreign policy issue. But today it is clear that it is also a domestic policy issue.”

Former NYC mayor Ed Koch wrote in his February 27th JP blog: “When the US leaves Iraq, as the Democrats promise they will force President Bush to do, will we face the prospect of emboldened Jihadists, with the cry of “God is Great” on their lips, blowing Americans up here in the States?” He added: “Iran’s President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and the leaders of al-Qaeda, bin Laden and al-Zawahiri, have publicly stated all our sins will be forgiven if we convert and urged President Bush to lead the way with his personal conversion.”

Koch reminded that: “There were many who believed they could tame Hitler…And yet, despite all the horror and carnage of the past, we don’t appear to be learning from history. We don’t seem to remember that appeasement never works. It didn’t work at Munich in 1938 with Chamberlain’s infamous statement that we had achieved “peace in our time” with Hitler. It won’t work now.”

So, to Hollywood Jewish billionaire supporters of Senator Barack Hussein Obama: Learn from history and seek clear statement of policy and faith before jumping on Senator’s bandwagon. Here is a British poll that should give you second thoughts: Thirty-seven percent of British Muslims between the ages of 16-24 would rather live under Shari’a law than under British Common Law; 36% think Muslims should be killed if they convert to another religion; 13% admire al-Qaeda and similar terror groups; and 74% believe women should wear veils.